Track 3 : Computational Techniques for Intelligent Health Care Services
About the Track
This track presents research on computational techniques and tools, with a particular focus on new trends and applications in intelligent healthcare. Healthcare is a multi-faceted domain, which incorporates advanced decision-making, remote monitoring, healthcare logistics, operational excellence and modern information systems. In recent years, the use of computational methods to address the scale and the complexity of the problems in healthcare has been investigated to make it intelligent. Thus, this integration will be useful to make a hospital very smart & next generation ultra-digital sustainable hospital with complete digital healthcare eco system by AI methodology, robotic surgery, infrastructure with smart environment for remote applications. Since computational approaches can adopt itself according to problem specific in domain and maintain the proper balancing in between exploitation and exploration processes. This track will fetch various computational intelligence methods that are implemented in applications in different areas of healthcare. It includes contributions by practitioners, technology developers and solution providers.
- Health Care Recommendation System
- Medical Imaging for Health Care
- Machine Learning Model for Automated Medical Diagnosis
- Soft Computing Techniques for Medical Assistance
- IoMT
- Personalized Health Care System
- Detection and Prediction
- Healthcare Informatics
- Medical Imaging and pattern recognition
- Clinical Decision Support System
About the Department
Department of Computer Applications offers two courses Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) & Master of Computer Applications (MCA). Duration of BCA is 3 years & MCA is of 2 years. These courses are among the most popular courses in India, these courses are favored by students who wish to make their career in IT Industry. The Department of Computer Applications prepares students to design, develop and implement software applications. Department of Computer Applications emphasizes on the latest programming languages, cutting edge technologies and tools to make the students ready for the IT Industry. The department aims to become a center of excellence in providing in-depth technical knowledge and opportunities for innovation and research with state-of-the-art computer facilities and is to produce versatile students making them ready to be employed and capable of cross disciplinary collaboration in industry/government sector/higher education/research and development/entrepreneurship.
Students of the department have been placed in big MNCs like SAP labs, Deloitte, Infosys, Convergence, Concentrix, Atmax apart from their in-semester summer internship projects. Manipal University Jaipur has an exchange program as inter-university research collaboration between “Manipal Academy of Higher Education” (MAHE), Manipal and “Manipal University Jaipur” (MUJ). BCA and MCA curriculum is designed with latest content, it is designed with the inputs of Industry and Academia experts to make it relevant for the Industry needs and to bridge the gap between Industry and academia.
Dr. Thom Ives
Lead Data Scientist, UL Prospector, United States
Dr. Mario Jose Divan
Professor and Head Data Science Research Group, National University of La Pampa, Argentina
Dr. Vikas Pareek
Professor & Head
Deptt. of Computer Science & IT
Mahatma Gandhi Central University
Motihari, Bihar
Paper Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be typewritten or prepared on a word processor, with all material double-spaced, on one side of letter-sized paper, with suitably wide margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with page 1, the title page. Tables and figures should be numbered serially, and legends to illustrations should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables and figures will be placed near their first mention in the text; all tables and figures must be referred to in the manuscript. To download the paper template click here
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