Track 4 : Recent Advancements in the Application of Chemistry in Bio and Nanomaterials

About the Track
Recent Advancements in the Application of Chemistry in Bio and Nanomaterials” is specifically aimed at giving an overview of interdisciplinary nature of chemistry to the bio and nano material scientists and young researchers venturing into the boundary of chemistry with other applied sciences. The track is intended to encourage collaborative interactions between chemists and researchers of allied sciences to contribute towards inclusive and sustainable development. The conference will provide the researchers additional opportunities to gain exposure to scientific concepts and methods related to applications in the field of energy, healthcare, water, and environment.
- Energy Conversion and Storage
- Multifunctional and Smart Materials
- Natural and Bio-Materials
- Environmentally benign and Sustainable Chemistry
- Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
- Materials in Drug Discovery, Development and Delivery
- Nano and Composite Materials
- Societal Applications of Materials
About the Department
The Department of Chemistry started functioning since the inception of MUJ in 2011. The department offers B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. and Ph.D. programm in Chemistry. The department also offers Engineering Chemistry course to the B.Tech. students and Environmental Studies/Science courses to all undergraduate students of MUJ.
Paper Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should be typewritten or prepared on a word processor, with all material double-spaced, on one side of letter-sized paper, with suitably wide margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with page 1, the title page. Tables and figures should be numbered serially, and legends to illustrations should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables and figures will be placed near their first mention in the text; all tables and figures must be referred to in the manuscript. To download the paper template click here